Saturday, January 3, 2015

Rob us of iPad, Kindle Fire & Co. sleep? Yes, says new study on reading … –

Home »E-reader, smartphone & amp; Tablet
January 2, 2015 Ansgar Warner 0 comments

It does not always have the story in the foreground be at the nightly e-reading to sleep robs us – sometimes apparently also the background is to blame, at least if it is a backlit display. This has found a group of researchers at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital as part of a two-week study participants who schmökerten on an iPad before bed two hours had afterwards took considerable difficulty falling asleep as compared to a control group that paper books.

“We have found that the natural circadianische rhythm Duch short wavelength blue light of these devices is messed up,” says neuroscientist Dr. Anne-Marie Chang, co-author in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ( PNAS) study. “Participants with a light-emitting E-Reader needed compared to the book-readers longer to fall asleep one, and they were less tired. Your melatonin production was reduced, postponed the timing of the internal clock, waking up the next morning was difficult for them. “The most important for recreation in REM sleep (” Rapid Eye Movement “) had turned out to be shorter.

It is clear from previous studies, the short-wavelength light was known, reduces the concentration of the sleep hormone melatonin in the blood by 20 percent – now the impact on the entire rhythm of waking and sleeping were first examined in more detail. This seems to be an urgent need: “A representative study has recently shown that 90 percent of Americans use several nights a week for an hour before bedtime electronic devices,” it says in the abstract of the study. In any case, the duration and quality of sleep in the last 50 years have decreased, the researchers said. She stresses that further studies are needed to assess the impact of tablets and smartphones on the health better.

The test itself was only iPads used, the researchers but also the range of other mobile devices with LED backlight measured including iPhone, Kindle Fire and Nook Color – in all cases, a radiation peak in the critical area of ​​about 450 nanometers was observed. Were not measured mica light-reader like the Kindle or Nook Paperwhite GlowLight, indeed radiate the LEDs also short-wavelength light, however, are much less highly luminous. This allows in particular a Recommendation derived from the study: rather read before going to bed not on tablets or smartphones or down-regulate the brightness – on the desktop, you can use as f.lux addition Apps

Ill .: F. Delventhal / Flickr (cc-by-2.0)


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