Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Convert Kindle: Amazon sells conversion tool for home use – lesen.net (!)

02/03/2015 John Main Software

Screenshot 2015-02-03 11:09:17 by

Convert Kindle, Amazon has his first paid software published within the Kindle cosmos. This is an OCR tool that can be digitized with own print books – along with enrichments

Convert Kindle for PC appeared last Monday on Amazon.com, as Inks Bits, & amp; Pixel has discovered. An announcement or press release it was not so far. It is the first software product from Amazon, which is distributed through Amazon.com itself. Previously taught Amazon’s software mainly to indie authors (most recently the Text Book Creator) and gave it away for free.

First paid Kindle Tool

Kindle Convert contrast, costs are at the start to pay $ 19. As Crossed out price Amazon is $ 49 to -. If the software is ever given at this price, of course, is in the stars

For money, there is a 36 Mbyte in size and currently only available for Windows 7/8 software that can scan your personal print books and documents in Kindle Books convert. So far, so mundane – so-called OCR software, there are a dime a dozen and absolutely free of charge

Intuitive operation, although much effort

 kindle convert Amazon wants to score with ease of use, the tool is made very clear to moderately experienced IT” Only readers “. So Amazon is applying the tool with the possibility that customizations such as autographs and handwritten notes can be obtained (probably by being converted to images).

Click the converted documents then go to the Kindle Cloud and are therefore available in the entire app ecosystem Amazon. Even Kindle features like Whispersync (cross-device matching the last read point), notes and highlights possible.

What Amazon does not decrease the reader is the actual scanning process. This (plus improvements of recognition errors) takes on a whole book quickly several hours to complete and is rather no joy. In conjunction with the chargeable offer we even dare the forecast that is more periods Kindle Convert a niche in the Kindle cosmos.

Kindle Convert as an alternative to Kindle Matchbook

It is interesting however, that Amazon ever offer such software. It could be related to the Kindle Matchbook partout does not come from the spot. Since the fall of 2013. Amazon offers the opportunity for little money or get store-bought (from Amazon) print books later even charge the appropriate Kindle Book.

Ans network went Amazon with Kindle Matchbook then only in the US and with nearly 70,000 titles. Today, just one and a half years later, there is still the program exclusively in the US, approximately 76,000 titles can be digitally “upgraded”. A success model is definitely different – obviously the publishers have little interest to give the digital version more or less purchasers of their print titles

Kindle Convert Amazon offers now on one side of its clientele. an alternative to buying new, exerts on the other side but also indirect pressure on publishers. Message: If you do not want your digital editions sell cheap, we give our customers a scan tool to the hand and you just get nothing

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The article “Convert Kindle (!) Amazon sells conversion tool for home use” was on February 3, 2015 (Tuesday) 11:20 clock written by John Main. John Main ( Xing / Twitter ) is editor and publisher of lesen.net.

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