Thursday, August 20, 2015

On Indie Publishing: Uwe Kullnick defended Kindle Storyteller Award – buchreport

The book trade as backers for the Warhorse Amazon? – The “Kindle Storyteller Award” in the Amazon, among others cooperates with Luebbe, has provided in the book industry for critical voices. Uwe Kullnick, president of the Free German Authors Association and chairman of the jury that chooses the self publishing winner, refers to the merits of onliners and shows little understanding of quality arguments against self-publishers.

Background: Amazon seeks the best German-language book an indie author since July 1. The winner of the “Kindle Storyteller” prize receives a grand prize totaling 30,000 euros. Cooperation partners Kullnicks belongs Free German author Association and the news magazine “ Focus “. The winning book will be published at Bastion Luebbe in the German-speaking countries in printed form – and at the latest then sets the Storyteller Coalition on bookshops

Heinrich Riethmüller , Osiander -Managing and ruler of the Börsenverein , has already shown little pleased that the book trade is to be included in the action. According to “financial newspaper” informed Riethmüller Amazon with: “The policy of Amazon, which seeks to destroy the growing and very well-functioning structures in the book trade are not at all suited to win the stationary range for promotions of your house.”

 Uwe Kullnick manifests itself on Indie Publishing wiefolgt for debate:

” The Free German Authors Association has a nearly century-old tradition as a protective association of German writers. Now you can rest on its past, the great author’s name and his previous world or take on the challenges of today.

We as a federal association, and since I conclude our National associations explicitly with one, have decided already a while ago, we for Self Publisher, ie by publishers independent authors to open, and thus contribute to the liberalization of literature events in the Federal Republic.


Amazon Kindle mainly, but other platforms enabled, worldwide publication boost Neuliteraten that is similar in meaning to a new wave of literacy. People write that would have previously never had the chance to publish a book. And people are reading that would have previously taken a book in his hand. In both groups, it is mainly young people, now interested in burning for the medium book, even instead of their previously popular media music, film and video.

The action of those who see their traditional market risk, I see, but can not understand them. It is the quality feature high literary texts demanded, while on the course at the Self publishers also existing weaknesses, such as particularly a lack of proofreading and editing, referenced. But things are moving forward and there will be less and less room for unjustified conceit in this respect.

Or we really want the quality and truthfulness of money bringer of arguing publishers from the esoteric and alternative medicine field and the Seelenklempner- and pseudo consultants books that take a huge area in the major bookstores, just because they are zeitgeist phenomena, bring money and because people ask me this? “

Read on Indie Publishing …

Dr. Uwe Kullnick is president of the Free German Authors Association (FDA) and directs the editorial board of the literary association magazine “Literábiles”. He is also an editor at Radio Bayern literature. As a Vice President at Siemens Communications, he has traveled the world, the impressions are the basis for numerous short stories. Kullnick is chairman of the Kindle Storyteller jury.

Indie Publishing provides an overview of central developments in the self publishing market and the market of independent publishers. The offer is to build bridges between the Indies and bookstores, publishers and other multipliers. Core component is the indie catalog, can promote its current title to the trade in the independent publishers and authors.

Indie Publishing is available from buchreport.


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