Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Amazon Kindle: Seven years of development in an image – lesen.net

26/08/2014 – of Nils Müller eReader


Seven years ago, Amazon established with his first Kindle the mass market for digital books and eBook Reader. Since then a lot has changed in the devices, such as an animated image demonstrates impressively.

The first Kindle reader Amazon entered did not only technical, but also designerisches Neuland. From today’s perspective, the first generation of the device with sharp edges and a generous frame looks a little dusty. With a slot for SD cards, speakers and headphone port and firmly integrated keyboard but it was extensively equipped. Also, another distinctive feature of the Amazon device, which has survived to this day, finds himself ready in the first instrument: the opportunity over the wireless network on the Kindle eBook store access

Small, round, black

With the second generation who were themselves to buy in Germany, Amazon made the Kindle a bit rounded and approached him with the established by Apple design language a bit to. However, this revision was the SD card slot for victims. With the third generation Amazon also changed the color of his devices – from white to a dark silver-gray – and reduced the frame around the still six inch display. The physical keyboard was kept but shrank a little.

The fourth generation introduced the Kindle Touch Amazon the first device produced that did without a physical keyboard and had an infrared touch-screen controls. The far laterally positioned buttons for turning the page slipped it under the screen. In this way, the device was much easier to handle and approached further compressed rounded design language.

The successor to the Kindle Touch, the Kindle Paperwhite omitted then completely on physical buttons, so that only the display in a now black frame is visible. Also, the headphone jack and the speaker fell victim to the revision. In addition, the Kindle Paperwhite can come up with a special backlight. This makes it possible to read books on the Kindle without external illumination without, like a computer screen or a tablet, having to look directly into a bright light source. The now available Paperwhite 2 is optically hardly changed over its predecessor.

Have a nice comparison of the various Kindle-generation features animation by Gadget Love.

 kindle evolution

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