Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Kindle can seamlessly move between e-book and audio book – WinFuture

A new feature in the Kindle software from Amazon that allows users now, at the request nachtlos between an e-book version and the jump audio version of a book back and forth. “Whispersync for Voice” is the name now entered service. Whispersync described so far, only the synchronization technology, in which the last digit was kept the same in a book on any device that uses the user to read e-books . They changed so, for example, the E-book Reader for Smartphone, there was the same side of the work “pitched”.

Whispersync for Voice now ensures that the matching is performed between the text form and an audiobook. If someone for example, calculated at the most exciting point of the novel, one that it is high time to prepare the food for the evening guests coming, you have the plot not leave until there is time to read on. Instead, one can read aloud the text of the last read point directly.

prerequisite is of course that one has in addition to the eBook via the audiobook. This however, there is still no easy way to do so. However, Amazon also ensures that you do not have to lie down again a decent amount for the audio version. Upgrades for digital books offered – In cooperation with the provider Audible are the future – if available. It starts here from 99 cents in the current best-sellers, the price may rise to $ 3.99. However, this is still much cheaper than buying a normal audio book.

The new feature is currently only once limited only to the U.S. market. There the possibility of an audiobook upgrades is currently about 45,000 books available, the company said. It can be assumed that Whispersync for Voice will be to have in the future in this country, Concrete all there is still, however. Amazon, Kindle, e-book, e-books, books, book Amazon, Kindle, e-book, e-books, books, book Amazon

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