Tuesday, December 1, 2015

New Kindle Paperwhite discounted by 20 Euro – ALLESebook.de

Heuer did the price development of eBook readers tend to show up. Virtually all Newcomers were more expensive than their predecessors. The Kindle Paperwhite is no exception. For around 120 Euro Amazon has brought the new model on the market, corresponding to a price premium of around 20 percent.

And yet the holiday shopping season now again provides for that the downward price spiral turns: After in September for a short time a Paperwhite has occurred Action Shops, week, it is now in the course of Cyber ​​Monday, as usual. Kindle Paperwhite 3 is now available for only 99 Euro. Thus the youngest eReader the mail order company by exactly 20 euros is cheaper than is usually the case. The same price reduction is also true for the other variants:. Without discount you pay now 119 euros, for the 3G version 159 euros or 179 euros are due

Note: The pros and cons of the 3G version will be described in detail in this article

For starting price of around 100 Euro offers Amazon the currently best eBook Reader with Retina display. The pixel density of 300 ppi ensures crisp text rendering. The main competitors offer as high-resolution e-ink Carta display technology, but costs regularly at least 20 euros more: For Tolino Shine 2 HD 119 euros are due, the Kobo Glo HD costs 129 euros

<. p> For all those who are interested in buying a new eReader itself looking for a Christmas gift or that special offer is a terrific way to particularly favorable to come to a retina model. The offer is valid until November 30 (23:59 Clock) or while stocks last.

Experience shows that the stock level at Cyber ​​Monday deals may well quickly to Neige go than you think. If you are interested, you should not wait too long with the purchase thus. If in doubt you can use the extended return period that Amazon grants during the Christmas shopping season.

  • Kindle Paperwhite WiFi for 99.99 euros
  • Kindle Paperwhite 3G for 159,99 Euro

The Paperwhite price reduction raises Of course the question on whether or not (again) get involved in a price war that Amazon’s competitors this year.

Already in 2014, Amazon has the predecessor repeatedly cheaper offered and eventually reduced permanently in the price. That was particularly problematic for the Tolino Vision 2, because the price was significantly higher than non-binding, the Paperwhite-special offers. Eventually, the price of the Vision 2 was after a brief high also lowered permanently.

Since the Tolino flagship but was still expensive and on top of that still possessed the slightly lower contrast , the Kindle Paperwhite seemed nevertheless to have often outsells

However Heuer sees the initial situation is very different:. has the Tolino Alliance next to the high-priced Vision 3HD also brought Shine (159 Euro) 2 HD (119 euros) on the market. The Shine-successor is priced in direct competition with the Paperwhite. In contrast to previous years, it also no longer needs to hide the first time before the technology of the Amazon device, because the Tolino Shine 2 HD (and also the Vision 3 HD) offer a truly outstanding readability. The hardware of the Kindle Paperwhite they are thus in nothing after.

This is also the competition potentially exciting (and harder), because while in the previous year appeared to be rather limited price reductions of Vision 2, is likely to be 2 HD for Tolino partner better feasible an interim discount of Shine.

This could be turn the tables again and after a long time to make Amazon again fire under the rear. Already the first Shine sold dazzling thanks to low price and had an enormously rapid growth in market share result. Also for technology savvy reader friends and hobbyists the new models are due Tolino Rooting opportunity particularly attractive.


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