Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Kindle Unlimited integrated audio books –

04/15/2015 – John Main eBook News

Screenshot 2015-04-15 10:38:41 by

With the acquisition of attractive publishing titles for its Kindle eBook Flat Rate Unlimited Amazon is apparently progressing not really, but there are now a cross-media extension. In addition to books, the inclusive range now includes audio books from Audible, on smartphones and tablets can thus parallel heard and read on some titles.

In addition to books, in the context of Kindle Unlimited now around 2,000 audiobooks from the Amazon subsidiary Audible loan. Essentially, it is Amazon productions of self-publishing titles and those from the Amazon publishers (Amazon Crossing, Amazon Publishing). The most prominent publisher name is Bastion Luebbe, inter alia, the audiobook its included already in the text form in flat rate offer bestseller The girl who touched the sky contribute.

About Whispersync for Voice can, for titles both in text – as in clay form part of the flat rate, at any time switch between the two forms of media and hergewechselt. That works naturally only in the Kindle apps on smartphones and tablets, not the readers, the Kindle family (who have no audio connection anymore since the second Kindle generation)

Kindle Unlimited. Much mass little Prestigious

Who 9.99 euros paid monthly after a 30-day free trial period, gets on Kindle Unlimited currently have access to 908,539 eBooks. An impressive number, but behind the German especially hide and English self-publishing titles.

The well-known “beacon title” for its flat-availability Amazon reportedly much money in hand takes almost the same as the start in autumn 2014 and can be counted on a handful of hands. “Popular eBooks in Kindle Unlimited” are still Harry Potter, Swimming with Sharks Amazon critic Nele Neuhaus (which it is not at all enthusiastic) guide by Marco Polo, Counselor to Riva and GU, a few Bastion-Luebbe novels and – Issue novels.

Compared to local rivals Skoobe, where in addition to thousands of eBooks partner publishers Random House / Bertelsmann and Holtzbrinck also many other publishers are doing, the range of Kindle Unlimited is still high mau. Indie readers! Get their costs (and ruin the sales of successful authors, of which the first has already been adopted by Kindle Unlimited), for many others it does not calculate more. With the audiobooks Amazon now provides an additional incentive and last but not least a unique feature

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The “Kindle Unlimited integrated audio books” was on April 15, 2015 (Wednesday) at 10:39 clock written by John Main , John Main ( Xing / Twitter ) is editor and publisher of

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