Sunday, December 28, 2014

Unlimited Kindle: Amazon’s e-book authors criticize flat rate –

Kindle Unlimited Amazon has a few months ago has expanded its range of flat rate offers to e-books and audio books. This enables customers to choose from a selection of e-books, which now includes over 700,000 works. For the online retail giant requires about ten dollars a month. In Germany and Austria ten euros are required.

But authors, especially those who publish their own books on Amazon, are upset about the books fare. You complain a dramatic Einnahmenentfall, as the New York Times reports.

Significant revenue decline

Six months ago, still had some authors abandoned their main occupation, living with the prospect of the future by writing to can, describes e-book consultant Bob Mayer. Now they would return to their old jobs back or would financially barely make ends meet.

In general, you are fighting an order that the turnover of the sector after strong gains since 2013 is only growing more slowly in recent years. At the same time, there are more and more authors and books. Kindle Unlimited worsen this situation.

author Holly Ward, readers also “HM Ward” known indicates that their income has decreased by 75 percent after two months in the Kindle Unlimited program. “I could not see,” she said in a Kindle forum and retired from Kindle Unlimited. Her books are now available only in the normal way.

Fear of advertising Stop

Although the participation in Kindle Unlimited is mandatory for anyone but the authors fear that a withdrawal might lead to that their works are no longer advertised by Amazon. Those readers who had once spent like crazy thousands of dollars annually for romance novels a year, led today to a less than 120 dollars a year, says Ward. “It can neither Amazon nor the authors go well,” she says. While it is one of the few writers who can offer their books through other platforms, almost all independent author must be committed to exclusivity.

Last’d Amazon in the dispute with the Hachette publishing offensive to selbstverlegende writer become. But these feel now as one of many suppliers for the group and fear that this will ultimately for them not improve the situation compared to traditional publishers. There are now thought to form a union


Amazon regularly emphasizes that one might extend further to 70 percent of the revenue from books to the author -. A lot more than normal publishing houses. With Kindle Unlimited However, the amount paid per loan fluctuates sometimes violently. He was in July as yet at $ 1.80, he fell in October to 1.33 dollars and in November was $ 1.39 with something higher. How extensive the book is neither plays a significant role as the retail price.

This is in particular those authors problems that do not already have a large, loyal following, says Mayer. The glut of new books also makes it difficult to prevail with quality. If you as the author himself must now also provide marketing, one could offer his books just across your website, says former lawyer and author Michael Henderson.

But even the writers are a loyal following among pressure, reminds Ward. “If you release new material not constant, it is forgotten by the people.” (Gpi,, 28/12/2014)


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