Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Kindle Unlimited: Start at the Book Fair, the first publisher partners Republic –

28/09/2014 – of John main eBook News

 kindle unlimited

The Germany-launch of Kindle Unlimited, the eBook flat rate of Amazon, is imminent. After matching media reports, the curtain opens to starting in ten days Frankfurt Book Fair. As expected, remain many large publishers initially left out, but in the second row it looks obviously different.

Kindle Unlimited, monthly in the United States in July for $ 9.99 available in this country debut for information of the economy week at the Frankfurt Book Fair. The WiWo out its message with an “exclusive” label, actually is the impending launch of Kindle Unlimited Germany but has long been an open secret in the industry. So the book report reported the targeted launch of the service for the world’s biggest book fair in August.

Group Publishers rely on their own offer

Even then transpired that the large publishing groups such as in the USA in this country view the offer only once from the outside. In addition to the general conflict situation (keyword: Conditions dispute) is an essential factor that the publishing groups Holzbrinck and Random House / Bertelsmann (30 day free trial) with Skoobe operate their own flat rate

In addition to new Imprints of the two groups. numerous other publishers in Skoobe here, a total of about 1,000 in number. Catch here is not automatic for Amazon. Away from the public drumming publishers will but join with security in Kindle Unlimited, if the numbers are correct. That you do not cooperate with Amazon is fundamentally averse, even a glance at the weekly Kindle Deals, where still are entitled von Holtzbrinck and Random House this regularly (but not by Bonnier, ie Ullstein, Carlsen, …).

Indie titles alone are not enough

Empty shelves, however, are not to be feared in Kindle Unlimited. Available with security, as it did in the context of the Kindle lending library, hundreds of thousands of self-publishing titles. In WiWo report is also outed a first publisher: dotbooks chief Beate Kuckertz confirmed participation in Kindle Unlimited. Decisive for the extraction of subscribers will be offering catchy bestseller. Amazon will surely (as well as in the USA) take a lot of money in hand, to offer at least some top titles from independent publishers like Bastion Luebbe or Hoca can

Related reports:.

The “Kindle Unlimited: Start at the Book Fair, the first publisher partners Republic” was on 28 September 2014 (Sunday) at 20: 46 Clock by John Main wrote. John Main ( Xing / Twitter ) is the editor and publisher of

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