This morning, Amazon’s new Kindle reading flatrate Unlimited started – suitable for the Book Fair in Frankfurt. We have compared the new service with old acquaintances such as Skoobe, Readfy and Audible
In terms of music are yes we pretty spoiled. There for around 10 euros a month at various music streaming providers such as Spotify or Simfy always the latest hits, the most popular albums and true classics. Missing songs are the absolute exception, virtually all of the major record labels are included. But how does it actually look at the books? Where bookworms get the most for their money? Where to get not only old chestnut, but also current bestseller? appgefahren has made for you the test – with four different candidates
The rules were simple:.? Which provider has the most books from the current pocket books bestseller list of Spiegel Online
Kindle Unlimited – the new service
The offer: According to his own statements Amazon provides access to 650,000 Kindle books on all reading devices and reading apps. Among many English title
The best sellers. Of the ten current paperback bestsellers can be found at Kindle Unlimited no single
The price. : Kindle Unlimited costs 9.99 euros per month. The first 30 days you can test for free. (For the registration)
Skoobe: The old hare
The offer: More than 70,000 books Skoobe offers its customers – is read only by app for iPhone and iPad or Android
The best sellers. From the top 10, there are at least four books currently Skoobe including “Eventide” by Tess Gerritsen or “Last Words” by Karin Slaughter
The price:. per month are at least € 9.99 payable, can then be read on two offline devices simultaneously and up to 24 hours. The plus or premium package costs 5 euros more each. The first month there for 4.99 euros. (For the registration)
Readfy: The free app
The offer: In the new free app, which was launched a few weeks ago in the App Store, there are more than 25,000 eBooks
The best sellers. From the ten best-selling bestsellers in Readfy was no to find a single book
The price:. By 2016 Readfy is completely free and without hooks. (App load)
Audible: Listen to the report
The offer: Instead There are books in Audible Audiobooks. On offer are more than 100,000 titles from over 1,000 publishers in different languages
The bestseller:. All ten current paperback bestseller can also be found at Audible
<. p> Price: for 9.95 euros each month there is an audio book, so there is no real flatrate. Thanks Like-me-one can guarantee audiobooks but simply return and a new hire. Free trial month to try out, alternatively there are three audio books for 14.95 euros. (For the registration)
The bottom line: No real winner
In contrast to the music-streaming services that really spoiled us, there is no real winner in the books . Readfy is free, but offers the worst deal. Skoobe has the best selection of current bestsellers, but can only be used on iPhone and iPad. Unlimited Kindle can, however miss the latest hits, but can also make use of the hotel car eBook reader. And then there’s still Audible – an audiobook per month, but the most extensive selection of all test candidates. (Photo: Deposit Photos / vasabii777)
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