Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Amazon Kindle Unlimited in Comparative Test – Spiegel Online

They weigh nothing, are concerned in seconds and can not bend: Although e-books bring benefits, reads the majority of Germans still analog. One reason should be the prices because digital books in this country are barely cheaper than printed. Jonas Jonasson bestseller “The illiterate who could count” for example, is priced at Amazon and plan to digitally 15,99 €, Ken Follett’s “Children of Freedom” 22,99 €. And even for Andre Agassi’s biography “Open” you pay for three years after publication or 9.99 euros, while the book version is in some places already in the junk box. . A strange situation

now wants to expand the e-book market, the market leader: Amazon has started on Tuesday Kindle Unlimited, an online flat rate in the style of Spotify and Netflix, where you one for a fixed monthly amount absolutely must use considerable range. Instead of music or movies can be found at Kindle Unlimited just e-books.

What is really new is a flat rate but not such books. In Germany it has been around since 2012 Skoobe (backwards for “E-Books”), a similar offer from Bertelsmann and Holtzbrinck, which also support numerous other publishers. And until the end of September is Readfy launched a free, advertising-financed flat-rate offering from Dusseldorf.

So what could Kindle Unlimited? We have the new offer from various viewpoints with Skoobe and Readfy compared, from the prices on the book selection up to and including termination.

Kindle Unlimited, Skoobe, Readfy – The three e-book flat rates in the short comparison

Kindle Unlimited: On Tuesday, Amazon’s e-book flat rate started in Germany. The service costs 9.99 euros per month and is available on any device – an advantage over the competition

Books selection: let Amazon advertises 650,000 Kindle-Unlimited tracks, but this number should not be blinded . Only slightly more than 40,000 e-books are in German and below, there are many books exclusively digitally released, about very targeted self-help literature.

Article Page: Depending on what type of books you will find exciting, can be combined with the Amazon -Flatrate save a lot of money. This e-book about Helmut Schmidt would normally cost 12.99 euros, in the package you can get it for free.

page within an e-book: The Kindle apps are certainly to read, the most beautiful is the display on an e-reader. Kindle Unlimited also supports the classic Kindle.

Competition Service Skoobe: The offer of Bertelsmann and Holtzbrinck has been around since 2012, also the lowest fare costs 9.99 euros per month. Unfortunately, running Skoobe only on iOS, Android and Kindle Fire devices.

Books: In Skoobe you will find some best sellers, but the offer also has significant gaps. Unlike Kindle Unlimited is Skoobe can also be used if you do not own a credit card.

Search for” wetlands “: the bestseller by Charlotte Roche, for example, it is only in Spanish. About 25,000 of the 74,000 Skoobe titles are in a foreign language.

page in the iPad app: Depending on your plan you can use Skoobe on up to three devices. In offline mode, books can be read up to 30 days without you in between requires an Internet connection.

Free competition Readfy: This flat-rate service is started and the end of September for free. When reading small banner ads or commercials will be shown again and again. One way to disable the ads, it does not yet exist.

Readfy Offer: The service has a total of 25,000 books on offer, including some joke books or a novel to a computer game “Assassin’s Creed”. Bestsellers you will find almost none.

Most widely read books: For people who like to just read something, it’s worth trying Readfy. Is annoying that the service is a continuous Internet connection required -. Reading on a train can there ever be difficult

Everything about the availability, the prices and to sign up

Login is uncomplicated in all services – for read is just a few clicks, as long as you compatible device has. While Kindle Unlimited is available on various platforms of iOS and Android on Windows PC and Mac until browser close Skoobe and Readfy of large user groups. Readfy there is only an app for Android and iOS devices, Skoobe addition, at least for the Kindle Fire and a few other e-readers. Amazon’s Kindle reader are currently only compatible with Kindle Unlimited.

Priced play Kindle and Unlimited Skoobe in a similar league. Kindle Unlimited costs 9.99 euros per month, the first month is free as a test phase. Numbers can be by credit card only, denouncing is online, anytime. Whether one is a member of Amazon Prime, has no effect on the Kindle-Unlimited offer. Each customer can have a maximum ten-Unlimited E-books at the same time borrow, one after the other but so many he wants.

Skoobe you can borrow at the same time for 9.99 euros a month three books, this is the cheap fare. For 14.99 euros you get thanks “Skoobe Plus” five books at a time, “Skoobe Premium” allows for 19,99 € the loan of fifteen books at once. The Skoobe memberships can be canceled up to two days before the automatic renewal online, pay can be made by credit card and direct debit. In the most expensive tariff can use Skoobe on three devices, otherwise a maximum of two.

Unlike the competitors Readfy is a free flat-rate offering. The app is financed through advertisements in reading, login can be, for example, with his Facebook account. Rules about how many books you can borrow at the same time or in how many devices the service is available, there is not. For reading Readfy but needs an internet connection. This one’s membership is terminated, you must Readfy send an e-mail

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