months ago just under five is Amazon’s label” launched Kindle Singles “in Germany, and German authors since Tuesday there yesterday published. A real success story is the platform probably not yet.
“Kindle Singles” called Amazon exceptional property, selected short stories and articles are offered as a single track in the. For a price from 99 cents to get a text of typically up to 30,000 words, which is about 20 standard pages. In the U.S., the platform launched in January 2011 in July this year she went in German language online. The date range limited, however, translated to U.S. stocks. Under the aegis of former DuMont program manager Laurenz Bolliger but are now are also the first six works of German authors published by the singles, announced yesterday, Tuesday via press release. These include a report (“Let us greet Giglio!” By Ulrich Ladurner), an essay (“Alexanderplatz” by Georg Dietz) and four fictional narratives.
How successful are the singles?
Kindle Singles best-selling “Hush” (Knaur)
In the press release Amazon speaks of “more than six million” selling singles since the launch of the platform. This sounds impressive, but compared with the rest of Amazon titles cut the singles from rather modest. The best-selling singles title is currently only ranked 192 of paid eBooks (with 58 standard pages clearly defined on the Amazon beyond what extent). Only two more singles are actually among the top 1000 of the books sold, all others cavort beyond the threshold of perception.
In the U.S., the singles have much longer on the market, but even there the picture is not much better. Prominent names such as Stephen King and Kathy Reichs are found, although in places eight and ten of pure Kindle Singles rankings are so well already not even among the top 1000 books of the U.S. bestseller list.
competition from Indie Authors
Why is that? Probably mainly on price. In the music singles and individual tracks are so successful because they cost only a fraction of the album price. If there were only the choice between Kindle Singles and the high-priced books at the big publishers, Amazon’s business model might work. Thanks to self-publishing and price promotions but you can get on the Kindle but complete novels for less than a euro. In contrast, individual short stories of the same or higher price overpriced act quickly, in spite of great names and professional care.
course it is difficult without absolute sales figures to make a clear judgment. But all indications are that the Kindle Singles at least so far are not the outstanding successful business model that Amazon had hoped. We would not be surprised if it should still be profound changes on the concept, or marketing in the coming months.
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