Thursday, November 28, 2013

Amazon plans Kindle Paperwhite with Retina Display - COMPUTER BILD


By Felix Hoffmann, 25/11/2013, 15:15 clock

Amazon is working on a new version of the Kindle Paperwhite. The highlight: a resolution of 300 pixels per inch


The current version of the Kindle Paperwhite © Amazon

The Kindle Paperwhite dissolves with 212 pixels per inch – but the competition can do more. Amazon wants to catch up with a new version of the device.

G brings erüchten According to Amazon the second quarter of 2014, a new Kindle Paperwhite on the market. TechCrunch reports that the display will dissolve with 300 pixels per inch. A person with average sight can see at such a resolution individual pixels – that’s why Apple compares such screens with the retina of the human eye

Amazon chases after the competition

The competition is already longer on retina displays. Kobo about missed the aura HD resolution of 265 pixels per inch. Although this is below the planned 300 pixels Amazon, but exceeds all devices currently available. For comparison: The current version of the Kindle Paperwhite provides 212 pixels per inch

Kindle Paperwhite. Mattes glass on the front

On the prototype, the TechCrunch sighted, stands out not only the resolution. The front of the device is continuously plan and consists of frosted glass. Nevertheless, the device is lighter than the current White Paper. The corners of the eBook reader should act as buttons for page turning. Previously served a button on the touchscreen.

Software: New Font and hyphenation

On the software side, Amazon is working apparently on its own font that is designed to fit the Kindle. A hyphenation is the empty space go at the right edge of the collar. Whether the new features to be used as early as next White Paper, however, is unclear.

Find out more on the following terms: Kindle, Paperwhite, retina, resolution

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