Our book” being monitored “is now finally on Amazon in the Kindle eBook version available for 7,99 €
(Amazon affiliate link ). Still search at Google and Apple, the moralist adult content. Since it is only a matter of days.
ePub version has been around for a few days at epubli. The book is in print and will probably eventually be available in a limited edition for 14.90 euro in about two weeks. Pre-orders are possible during epubli.
All other information about the book can be found here. We have even moved the book to be more independent. But why we have to take care of the public relations and advertising us. We would be delighted if you supported us with advertising and makes for good content. Our goal is to make many demands for an explanation of the big surveillance scandal in the history of mankind and the recovery of our Privacy known.
Enie important information for donors of netzpolitik.orgpast few months, you can support us with a donation. Many people do that and that makes us very happy. We would like to give something back and we have considered the following: All donors who have given us more than 50 euros this year, the ebook of us get paid. For all donations over € 100, there are the printed book free. But we need your data. If your one of them, send us an email to spenden@netzpolitik.org with your account number (for verification) and your address.
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