“ world of wonders ” producer Hendrik Hey tries to be a publisher: Under the title “ World of Wonders – The large digital Knowledge Series “He wants the miracle e-Lab publish to the newly founded Verlag GmbH World app bundles. This knowledge packages are planned for the German and international market.
What secrets lie dormant in our universe? How tall skyscrapers can get? How does our weather? “World of Wonders – The large number of digital knowledge” answers to questions like these and offers titles from different fields of knowledge as a monothematic bundles for iPad Kindle and Co. on. These each include a one-hour movie, an app, and a multimedia eBook. The new “World of Wonders” is first encyclopedia for the platforms Apple / iOS Windows and Amazon , and developed as a platform-neutral HTML5 version.First of approximately 20 publications are planned, with the publishing program be expanded to over 100 titles in the medium term to. The individual bundles to be offered at a price of 8.99 euros. For selected topics schools get the project world of wonder @ School a free account.
financing through crowd Investing
The project is funded
the crowd Investing platform Seed Experts. With a target sum of up to three million euros, it is the “most comprehensive project of its kind that has ever been taken in Germany in attack,” it said in a statement. An access from seed Experts is possible from a sum of 250 euros. Here, there is a minimum interest rate of six percent per annum plus a share of profits.
“Because of the shape we have chosen to finance the buyer has the option itself is part of our vision to be” so “world of wonder-producer and now publisher Hendrik Hey.” With ‘World of Wonders – The large digital knowledge number’., we not only want to appeal to all people who are interested in the subject knowledge but also address a wide variety of types of learning “model for the digital knowledge series is the” What’s What “- book explains Hey
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