Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Amazon uses iPad with new Kindle tablet device - THE WORLD

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Photo: Computer image

Connect to a Wi-Fi:
order for your Kindle reader can also report the last page read on other devices, it must be connected to a WLAN. Appears at the top of the screen like in the picture “Wi-Fi”? Then you can go right to the next step. Otherwise, press the Home button and then the Menu button to open the settings and “wireless networks” option display. After you select your wireless network connection, tap the Wi-Fi password, if necessary, choose Finish and OK to return to the homepage.

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Photo: Computer image synchronize

read position:
Now open the book you want. The particular reading position is automatically sent to your Amazon account, and you can simply turn off the device. To save power, turn off the wireless connection but again first. To go to the Home, open the menu, select Settings and turn on the “flight mode”. After a small plane appears at the top of the screen. The reading position your book has been dubbed the latest changes to the homepage.

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Photo: Computer image

install apps:
Install the free Kindle app on any computer and smart phones, which are more of your books in question. For licensing reasons, but books can “only” six devices simultaneously open. The app for iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch, click the App Store, which is available for Android devices in the Play Store, and apps for Windows 8, RT or Phone in the Windows Store. For Windows 7, Vista and XP, you can download the Kindle for PC program for Apple computers

Photo: Computer image

With more people read:
If you connect multiple devices to your Kindle account, for example, family members can read your books at once. In this case, the synchronization page is rather troublesome. To disable it, load the website

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