In the course of yesterday evening, Amazon has its Kindle app for iOS miss a new update. Kindle 3.7 can be downloaded now as a universal app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch from the App Store. In addition to accessibility features, there are other improvements within the app. In the leaflet it says
accessibility features make it easier for blind and visually impaired customers to navigate through the Kindle libraries to read books, to use it and much more. Activate to start VoiceOver in the device settings. Simple Rate and review books by accessing “Before you go …” directly from the menu “Go” improvements for the “Before you go …” as the possibility to download a free sample reading and to send yourself a reminder by e-mail to the recommended books. Additional font selection for Japan – Hiragino pron Mincho (serif) fixes / Improved stability Kindle 3.7 is 17.1 MB in size, requires iOS 5.0 or later and is optimized for the iPhone fifth If you still looking for food for your Kindle or your Kindle app, so here is the top 100 free Kindle books on Amazon.
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