Amazon brings in the USA out a virtual currency can shop with the owners of the Kindle Fire on the AppStore. At the start of every online retailer owners of the tablet gives 500 virtual coins.
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Amazon has launched in the U.S., the Amazon virtual currency coins. So that users of the Amazon Kindle Fire Tablets are shopping AppStore. To start gives any Amazon Kindle Fire owners of some digital coins. Amazon has announced the Coins in February.
They are intended to allow the Kindle Fire users can easily purchase apps and games in Amazon Appstore and objects in apps. This could, for example recipes in iCookbook be music in the app pop song or extensions for Angry Birds Star Wars, says Mike George, head of apps and games on Amazon.
500 Coins
away to start virtual coins to Amazon Kindle Fire Owner: Everyone will get 500 coins. More can buy on the Amazon website users. The coins would be credited to my account and never lose their validity, insured Amazon.
advantage for Amazon is that the customer pays immediately, the coins but usually spends only gradually. For this, they are cheaper to buy the more: The nominal value of a coin is 1 U.S. cent. But even if the customer buys 500 pieces, he pays only 4.80 U.S. dollars. 1,000 Credits are available for $ 9.50, 10,000 coins for 90 dollars.
The customer is not forced to switch – Amazon retains the previous ways of payment at the AppStore. Also on the billing model for providers of games and apps, nothing changes: you will continue to receive 70 percent of revenue, Amazon reserves of the purchases that are paid for with the virtual currency, 30 percent
Other options
is interesting to see what Amazon makes the future even with the virtual currency. “We are more ways to earn Coins and spend on a wider variety of content and activities add” , George announces. Tablet owners will continue with the coins also rent movies from LoveFilm or buy physical goods on Amazon? It is also conceivable that Amazon assigns Coins for future customer reviews of products.
coins are initially available only to customers in the United States. Amazon made on demand of no information on whether the virtual currency is introduced in Germany.
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