Tuesday, December 15, 2015

eBook Reader: Why there is no Kindle 2 was Voyage 2015 – lesen.net

12/15/2015 – John Main eReader

 kindle Voyage

With the launch of its premium reader Kindle Amazon Voyage sat in autumn 2014 standards. Many features of the eBook Reader is now included in cheaper devices. Nevertheless, Amazon has so far remained a successor guilty, not even deviates from the ambitious sales price. The main reason for this is profane.

Kindle Voyage First “Retina” -Lesegerät

The first six-incher the Kindle Voyage had an E-Ink Carta panel with “Retina” -Resolution, ie 300ppi, on board. Compared to the usual autumn 2014 212ppi displays that meant a visibly sharper typeface, text readers jumped almost compared to. Together with a further improved illumination of the Kindle Voyage thus offered an unrivaled good reading experience.

 Voyage on Kindle Kindle Paperwhite

Kindle Voyage on Kindle Paperwhite

Even the look of the Kindle Voyage looks much more modern than its sister model, rather graumäusigeres Kindle Paperwhite, which is not least due to the continuous front glazing. Comfort features such as a brightness sensor and sensory lateral scroll buttons round off the 190-euro-package.

In 2015, the Kindle Voyage has however lost its former unique selling point, the 300ppi display. And even the Kindle internally – in June came the Kindle Paperwhite 3 in the trade. The same display, same firmware, same ecosystem – and all for 70 euros less. Because Kobo (Glo HD) and Tolino (Vision 3 HD, Shine 2 HD) now have 300ppi readers in the program, the pressure to act in Amazon

Many speculations, no announcement

In the last few months are likely a whole lot interested have postponed their purchase in anticipation of a Kindle Voyage. 2 In blogs proliferated rumors of specifications (faster processor, solar panel, modify the Page Press sensors due to patent disputes) and release date (Fall / November). However, the typical frame for announcements – IFA, the Frankfurt Book Fair – remained unused, and the latest with Elapsed the shopping events Cyber ​​Monday and Black Friday is obvious that Amazon will contest the year-end business without a new flagship reader

In early December we surveyed in Amazon event in Hamburg the local Kindle PR responsible according to the plans when it comes to Kindle 2. A Voyage quotable answer we did not get it, but probably the reference to the fact that Amazon, with its current hardware Portfolio looks well positioned. That interpretation can actually hardly contradict.

As before, the best eBook Reader

For more than a year after the launch, the Kindle Voyage hardware side the best reader, allows for the display quality and the comfort features the Tolino Vision 3 HD clearly behind him. For special requirements, competition is better (waterproof + open + good Store: Tolino Vision 3 HD, waterproof + open + bigger: Kobo Aura H2O), all in one package the Kindle Voyage is, however, still forward

 Kindle family of Amazon: Nearly two Paperwhite at the price of a Voyage

Kindle family of Amazon: Nearly two Paperwhite at the price of a Voyage

His role as a premium-reader for those who for the best digital reading experience do not turn the euro twice, the Kindle Voyage will therefore also meet at the end of 2015th Not less, but also no longer should the device in Amazon’s portfolio be. This also illustrates the remarkable price stability. While for Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite 3 (available for 100 euros currently again) are special offers churning, was the Kindle Voyage – as new – never to have less than 190 euros

 90-Euro-Kindle Voyage

90 Euro Case for Kindle Voyage

With integrated mobile module (3G) are to be paid for the reader 250 euros, together with a higher quality shell it goes even over 300 Euro. What the audience apparently little disturbs: About lesen.net we give in proportion significantly more 3G Voyage as 3G Paperwhite, and the 60-Euro Case for the Kindle Voyage was the first day of a bestseller. Whoever wants to can for a “limited edition” the origami envelope now put even 90 euros on the table – for 10 Euro more, there is already an entire Kindle Paperwhite 3

Those who are nowadays still an eBook. Reader to browse buys – not least Amazon offers even interesting alternatives – will then actually an excellent overall package. Such features of Kindle Voyage still, for a possibly hasty and thus half-baked remake, there was simply no reason. If the Kindle Voyage 2016 reissued, Amazon will probably burn no functional fireworks, but also improve the device more carefully.

  • Kindle Voyage at Amazon.de
  • Kindle Paperwhite 3 at Amazon.de
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The article” eBook Reader: Why there is no Kindle Voyage 2 was 2015 ” was written (Tuesday) at 12:38 clock by John Main on 15 December 2015 respectively. John Main ( Xing / Twitter ) is editor and publisher of lesen.net.

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