Without a stir Amazon.de has its article pages for Kindle Books undergone a thorough redesign. The previously very aggressive advertising of the house Reading Apps has been significantly reduced and reformed. For Kindle Unlimited is now advertised as a method, had some criticism for the Amazon already in the United States.
year ago almost exactly one integrated Amazon an entry field for telephone number or e-mail address next to the cover all Kindle books, could be on the interested people download links for the Kindle app to send. The chunky box should reduce the number of new installations have boosted strong but certainly irritated not only our Foristen. In its place a much dezenterer Infobutton now came under the cover.
Old Product page (with no signal colors)
Amazon also has now basically no longer at the top of the “free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet” out (which most readers probably already could not do anything). The indication of the page number is still in the immediately visible area, but is now much inconspicuous. Right next to it is now the info whether the title has been optimized for the new layout, which in turn is likely to be a superfluous information for most readers. If present, there are in the same row also an indication of a matching audio book at Audible.
New Products page
New in the immediately visible area is the book description, which is now folded out, as well as a button for sending a “free samples” (= Extract). Also the prices new and least debatable is when included titles in the eBook Flatrate Kindle Unlimited. Instead of a clear pricing in the center column plus second separate button “Read free with Kindle Unlimited Subscription “The Kindle Edition is now centered with” “excellent EUR 0.00. Only small among is the real price, as well as in the right-hand button box.
Misleading Award
Amazon knows very well that the reader’s views on article pages first on the combination ” Cover + information besides Cover “falls. There are now at least irritating award – especially against the background that thousands books at Amazon.de are actually free. In the US, the online retailers already brought this kind of design criticism a few, also author page. As long as holding the outcry within limits, is for Amazon but quite clearly the purpose – an efficient subscribers recovery for Kindle Unlimited – justify the means
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