Those who complete a smartphone contract for specific models at Amazon, gets a free Kindle Paperwhite and a 50 Euro Voucher to.
W as many Amazon customers may not know: the world’s biggest online retailer, you can complete a wireless service plan, and preserving to a smartphone from 1 euro. Amazon cooperates for the Telekom. You can choose from among others the rates Magenta Mobile S, M and L. It is Allnet flat rates for calls and SMS as well as trips to the mobile internet with 500 megabytes, gigabytes 1.5 or 3 gigabytes of data volume. The monthly fee is 39.95 (S), 49.95 (M) or 59.95 EUR (L). Other rates and options are available depending on the smartphone model also available.
offer until the end of March
Connect a contract including mobile phones to 31 March, 2015 from, Amazon gives you a voucher for eBook reader Kindle Paperwhite and a shopping voucher worth 50 euros. Both vouchers are available within ten days after shipment of smartphones by e-mail
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Almost 300 euro saving advantage
There is also the part of the Telekom a flat rate for the public wireless hotspots the provider. This is free for the duration of the minimum contract term of two years. After that, it costs 4.95 euros per month. The connection fee of € 29.95 is dispensed with for the tariff. Overall, the savings potential is 297.75 euros! In the
Free Kindle and Gutschei to Mobile Phone Contract: A deal for you
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