Monday, January 6, 2014

Kindle: multiple documents simultaneously from the Amazon cloud delete ... -

02/01/2014 – by Jens Baumeister – eBook News


Who uses Amazon’s cloud archiving and regularly emailed documents to his Kindle, knows the problem: clean up in the cloud is connected very awkward and with lots of clicking. Our Javascript bookmarklet allows you to delete up to 15 documents at a time, which greatly simplifies the task.

To a query requires Amazon for each document.

So a query requires Amazon for each document.

If you would like to use Amazon’s cloud archive for personal documents, but next to it about every day can email messages to the Kindle, a lot of gain in the long run unneeded files on the “Personal Documents” page of one’s own Kindle account on. Unfortunately, there is here to clean up a function that deletes more than one entry at a time. Instead, one must for each document initially on the “Actions …” go, “Remove document” Select, and then again to confirm the deletion by pressing “Yes”. If you want to only remove a file that is not tragic, but if a dozen or more documents have accumulated, it degenerates quickly into an annoying clicking orgy. Therefore, a user of the U.S. Forum Mobile Read has published some time ago a Javascript that the “mass delete” retrofit. We have it somewhat expanded and translated into German.


The installation is straight forward. It is sufficient to draw the following link on the Favorites bar of the browser:

Kindle Multi-Delete (link does not click, but move to the bookmark bar)

After that you should make sure that JavaScript is turned on in the browser you use. Users of Apple’s Safari web browser also activate the “Developer” menu “allow JavaScript of intelligent search box” the point.

Who wants before use, check the source code of the javascript, this is at the end of the article.


The search function allows to select the documents that you l & # XF6; between wills.

Using the search function, documents can select which you want to delete.

If the script is installed, it is used as follows.

  1. on Amazon’s “Personal Documents” page change. This can be done either via the Amazon website, but you can also click directly on our bookmarklet. If you’re not on the right page, it brings one there.
  2. Make sure that you see the right documents. The bookmarklet will delete everything that appears before you click on the “Personal Documents” page. “Browse Library” With the help of the field can control the. If you want, for example, delete all documents that you get from Instapaper, you should enter “Instapaper”. Note: Amazon’s search function reacts sometimes a bit slow
  3. .

  4. “Last chance to cancel.”

    Last chance to cancel.

    Once you are sure that only the desired documents are displayed, click on the bookmarklet in the Favorites Bar. You will see a confirmation prompt. If you answer this with “Okay,” the documents are deleted.

Amazon search displays up to 15 documents per page, including a maximum of 15 documents per pass can be deleted using the bookmarklet. If more are needed, repeat the process as many times.

The script in action.

The script in action.

Warning: The script deletes data. So please make sure beforehand that really the right documents are visible. Changes on Amazon’s website can make unusable the script, but should not lead likely to lose data. Nevertheless, the use shall in all cases at their own risk. We are not responsible for any data loss or other damage.

source code

At the conclusion nor the Javascript source code of bookmarklets. For clarity, we have divided it here on multiple lines:

function () {var v = new RegExp
(‘Personal Documents’);
if (! v.test (document.URL)) true;}

a = document.getElementsByClassName (‘rowBodyCollapsed’);
if (!? ‘personal documents are deleted immediately’ a.length + confirm (‘Are’ +)) {
return false;}

{a = document.getElementsByClassName (‘rowBodyCollapsed’);
for (var i = 0; i

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