Tuesday, January 21, 2014

German Kindle Store: A lot of sales with 7-10 euro expensive eBooks - lesen.net

01/21/2014 – by John Main – eBook News

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In the perception from outside the Kindle store is dominated by cheap indie literature and at promotional prices votes publishing titles. At least for the Top 10 this may also be true. However, significant revenue can be achieved with more expensive books also gave an evaluation.

Journalists Matthias Matting has viewed the Top 1000 on his Self Publisher Bible in the German Kindle store and the sales price and the (estimated) Paragraph placed in relation to each other. Reason was a similar evaluation in the U.S., which found that books in the price range around $ 10 to have the best sales potential.

most common Kindle Book Price: 3,99 €

For the German market presented Matting initially found that the most cost books in the top 100 Kindle Charts under 5 euros, the mode is at 3.99 euro. The principle also applies to the Top 1000, where there are many notable 8,99 € expensive stocks here.

of revenue, must first of all be stated that with the (many) best-selling books for 0.99 euros and 1.99 euros hardly any money is earned. For authors and publishers such prices can be interesting only as a bait and switch. In the top 100 the best conversions are achieved with 3,99 euros expensive item, as well as at the top 1000th Here there are also exceptionally high turnover with books at net prices between 7,00 € and 9,99 €. eBooks in the price range between 8 to 8.99 euros, even the second-best-selling group of all (after 3 to 3.99 euro).

Good transactions with paperback prices in the Long Tail

Even with the “midlist” good money can be earned, analyzed Matting. In the price range just under 10 euros mainly traditional publishers are likely to be with their paperback editions. In reader surveys, although a significantly lower accepted price is always called (usually around 5 euro mark) – for publishers can be but very well worth doing to make their books more expensive because less sales apparently more than offset by higher revenue per sale be.

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The article” German Kindle Store: A lot of sales with 7-10 euro expensive eBooks “on 21 January 2014 (Tuesday) at 20:25 clock by John Main wrote. John Main ( Xing / Twitter ) is the editor and publisher of lesen.net.

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