Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thalia wants to Amazon's Kindle defy - WirtschaftsBlatt.at

Thalia wants to Amazon's Kindle

Amazon Kindle: 50 percent market share / Image: WB / Stefan Mey

Frankfurt / Vienna. If out of 9 to 13 October, the Frankfurt Book Fair opens its doors again, then 130 publishers from Austria will present their offer – 30 are represented at the booth, 100 exhibit at their own stands. Is visible that the digitization of the industry continues. More and more people are reading books on tablets such as the iPad or e-readers such as the Kindle


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available because the current “Global eBook report” www.global-free-ebook.com – According to make e-books in booming markets such as the U.S. and the UK already around 20 percent of total revenue. The study analyzes the worldwide digital books market.

Amazon top dog

In Germany, the share of digital books in mid-2013 at around ten per cent, 84 per cent of German publishers already offer e-books or want to do so in the future. Among traders, the U.S. company Amazon crystallized with 50 percent market share for e-books out as the clear market leader, followed by the alliance of Thalia and the world-Hugendubel with 34 percent and Apple with ten percent.

have Thalia and the world-Hugendubel the e-reader “Tolino” with which they are likely to achieve a market share of 36 percent in the terminal area by the end of the market, as an alternative to Amazon’s Kindle. For Austria, there are according to study author RĂ¼diger Wischenbart no numbers, but the market shares are likely to be comparable with the German. Growth is slowed by, among other discussions on pricing, VAT and fear of piracy.

(Economic Journal, print edition, 2013-10-08)

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