Saturday, October 1, 2016

Amazon: So a Pseudo-book publisher Amazon gambled customers, million – STAR

Amazon Kindle Store is a dream come true for writers – and for hustler. The a can finally sell without a publisher print their works directly to the reader, the other with Pseudo-books in a row rip off customers. One of the most successful Amazon impostor is now blown. He earned in one year more than two million euros. And operating for over 80,000 Amazon Accounts.

The needed Valeriy S. to push his books in the Amazon lists above, reported ZDNet. He sold, namely, trashy books, especially a supposed Advisor. He had to cook every possible and impossible topic: non-verbal communication to herbal antibiotics. Some had many eBooks but together: they were extremely cobbled quickly together, brims with spelling and grammar errors and pure money were for the reader to waste.

Amazon decides to not sell products of its  competitors


How much customers pay for it, if you are using Amazon trust

Christoph  Fröhlich

100 books per month

Considering how many of the works he verscheuerte, would be anything but a miracle: Almost 1500 books cast S. in nearly 15 months on the market, all under a Pseudonym. The mesh was always the same: To be offered at the beginning of his books as action free-of-charge, a course of action, the Amazon allowed officially. With its Thousands of Fake Accounts “bought” the new plant EN masse, sometimes hundreds of times within a few hours. So the books ended up in the top of the Ranking, some even managed in the Top-100 lists, especially in niche areas. And so, in spite of bad content for potential buyers, interesting.

That was enough for real sales, a few, and found time, in fact, a few Hundred customers. S. washed then quickly thousands of dollars in the coffers. The were filled to the brim: 2.44 million US dollars (about 2.1 million euros) was S. in June of 2015, by eBooks, were added, 83.000 Dollar, for printed books. The security researchers of “MacKeeper”.

Amazon Echo is Google Apple data collector

Google, Amazon, Apple

This Internet giant with listen to – but what happens with the data?

Malte Mansholt

Well-hidden bad

protected come The were S. rather randomly on the ropes: they were simply his Server, of the anonymizing services disguised transactions were settled. Was not easily protected, but a password – and contained a database of its entire fraudulent Empire.

the security discovered by experts that S., who had actually worked as a Software developer for Microsoft, operating his business, sometimes even officially, His Start-up “Alteroxity” campaigned openly in order to be able to deliver every theme imaginable done-written books, including positive reviews and that it had already published more than 2000 books in the Kindle Store. So the company is not: The alleged co-founder doesn’t seem to exist, its supposed photo comes from a public photo database.

  the Packed Amazon sees Dash Button

Dash Button

With this button, Amazon is pushing in to your apartment – but who needs that?

Christoph Fröhlich

Amazon’s fight against windmills

Now shut down the company’s page anyway: As soon as


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