Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Kindle PocketBook Action: Osiander on dry land, Mayersche exchanges … – lesen.net

06/01/2015 John Main eReader

 PocketBook Touch Lux 2

The shortly after Christmas by the regional chain stores Osiander and Mayersche initiated “freedom-Treat campaign”, in the context of, among other Kindle readers against the current PocketBook Touch Lux 2 can be exchanged, going to the finish line. (. 10:01) While Osiander due to the great success of the action before the end only converts to a limited extent, one can get in Mayer’s still a new PocketBook Reader – even for an older Kindle device

From 27.12. to have Kindle devices against of Mayersche & amp; Osiander advertised as open alternative PocketBook Touch Lux 2 are exchanged. The bookstore chains were found mainly under the Christmas tree “equivalent” eBook Reader from the Kindle family in mind, especially the Kindle Paperwhite. 2

The adoption legacy devices and non-lighted entry-level Kindle (49 Euros , now back 59 euros), there was initially contradictory. Both the Mayersche and Osiander assured us that all Kindles are exchanged. This offers many willing to change Kindle readers here is a interesting hardware update

Osiander. Twice as many conversions as expected

 Screenshot 2015-01- 06 at 12:37:44

” Miss Liberty “has caused a great response, it does not testify last more than 160 comments on our message to it. Osiander CEO Hermann Arndt Riethmueller told us about being “absolutely surprised by the success of the action”. You have already been exchanged twice as many readers as originally estimated as the highest goal.

That’s why Osiander have now applied the brakes. A conversion is now at best even in stores that still have action devices, said Riethmueller. In the past, Osiander sent also Paketmarken order by post conversion to Kindle readers who are located outside of the catchment area of ​​the bookstore chain (Southern Germany).

Mayersche exchanges all over Germany

The Mayersche is very satisfied with the course of action. Just look confirms the presumption that customers’ appreciate personal advice and freedom in the choice of the source of their books, “said our technical director Stephan Erlenkämper

However, would continue to be exchanged uncompromising to the end of the promotion -. Give it no “Action assortment”, but only a limitation by the contents of the PocketBook Touch Lux 2, and was still sufficient.

We got on the exchange, although newer Kindle devices in their sights, are in principle also older models not excluded stressed Erlenkämper. In individual cases, the practice was in stores last another, probably because something went wrong with the external communication. Upon request, the Mayersche completes the exchange also post and so far Germany, interested parties should contact service@mayersche.de.

What is exchanged with the Kindles happened

As usual in the industry call neither Mayersche still Osiander absolute numbers. This reveals that the two chain bookstores will sit next Saturday evening, at the end of the action on a larger mountain is exchanged Kindle devices

For this purpose, what to do with the hardware, there seems to be no real master plan. , A resale at Amazon or eBay would certainly be implausible and is hardly an action. In our forum Osiander wrote first, you’ll devices “in all probability” format then “dispose”, then play the actual procedure is dependent on the amount of the replaced equipment. You go in any case responsibly and with a view of sustainability with the devices to

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The “Kindle PocketBook Action: Osiander on dry land, Mayersche exchanged or order” was on 6 January 2015 ( Tuesday) at 13:40 clock written by John Main. John Main ( Xing / Twitter ) is editor and publisher of lesen.net.

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