With the launch of the Alliance Tolino Amazon scored last year a weighty opponent in the eBook market. The German book trade giants have joined forces to offer the shipping company from Seattle forehead. This has especially last Christmas business works perfectly, so the Tolino market share for eBook readers quickly grew strongly (2nd place behind the Kindle devices).
Amazon has responded last year with temporary action sales of the Kindle Paperwhite, but what about the triumph of Tolino Shine could not really slow. This year, the price war is in full swing – this time is the US shipping giant, however, in the attacker role. The Paperwhite costs for quite some time just 99 euros, making this not only offers excellent value for money, but is also below the magical 100 euro threshold.
Fighting mid-priced
As a result (but probably already planned long) Shine the price was lowered to 88 euros and the Tolino Vision 2 only costs 129 € (instead of 149 euros in the meantime). Whether these price reductions will be enough to again this year to take the Amazon’s flagship the wind out of the sails, remains to be seen.
With a glance at two other European markets but quickly realized that the shipping giant has adjusted to new competitors. Not only in Germany the Kindle Paperwhite now only costs 99 euros, also in Italy and France, the prices were lowered.
In Italy, the price falls in response to The Tolino Alliance is a few weeks ago, represented the new competitors
in cooperation with the regional largest online bookseller IBS.it, also in Italy , There are the regular prices for the shine and Vision 2 further proclaimed (99 and 149 euros). With the ensuing action sale of the Paperwhite in Italy Amazon responds clearly to the new competitors.
Paperwhite against regional competitors
And France? There’s the Tolino terminals (yet), but you can select as the system language, more recently, French, so that a France-start is in the realm of possibility. The Voice could be related only to the Tolino sale in Switzerland but of course. Therefore, we must in this context, of course, to the French company Bookeen not forget, this is represented by recent Firsts in France also in the lower price segment (€ 100 for a 6 inch Glow eReaders). As such you can see the Paperwhite action naturally understood as reaction to it.
In other countries where there are no regional competitors with cheap eReaders the stuff would have to generate sufficient torque to wangle Amazon market shares Kindle prices remain unchanged. In Spain, the White Paper further costs so that 129 euros, are also in the UK without change 109 pounds proclaimed. Even in the United States for the popular eBook reader still $ 139 due (without ads).
In any case show the price actions that Amazon is ready is to be flexible and relatively short-term regional competitors. The Paperwhite is this an entirely appropriate way, because it includes more than a year remains among the best readers in the market.
- Kindle Paperwhite for border 99 euro at Amazon.de
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