excitement to a Bestseller: In the current number 5 of the Kindle charts disappearing overnight more than 30 enthusiastic 5-star reviews, some reviewers complain that the author fraud. The case throws a spotlight on the highly lucrative topic “Kindle Store optimization”, where fought hard and not always reader-friendly bandages around visibility.
Since 2011, published Peter Rensch, according to their own authors-Vita “since 28 years, journalist, editor, police reporter, correspondent and reporter for various media, “in the Kindle Store psychological thriller. Even his recent novels have been quite successful, especially published in May It smells so good its fresh blood.
hear The middle of August published None as he seems destroyed to build on this sales success. For several days the novel oscillates about number 5 on the Kindle charts, currently he stands exactly. This means daily sales at least in the mid to high hundreds.
30 deleted Top Reviews overnight
Many reading friends got the e-book in the last few days thanks to its popularity from Amazon- algorithm recommended. When purchasing decision then the previous reviews will have played a role, because the Evaluation has long been perfectly: On 06 September, three weeks after the release, there were a total of 55 reviews, 53 five star and 2 four stars. ” / p>
however striking: Hardly any of these reviews had more than three lines of text. And: Many reviewers rate otherwise only or mainly books exactly by this author (here an extreme example
Yesterday, September 10th there were already 81 Reviews. 5 stars with 72, 4 with 4 – and 5 each give only one star Uniform tenor. The book is couched in child language and full of content and spelling errors (“rarely read such a waste,” “Just dirt”), the ratings manipulated obviously
<. div id = "attachment_14571" class = "wp-caption align none c4">
Evaluation at 10:09.
Evaluation at 11:09.
We asked the author of this past Wednesday to comment on these allegations. The date was not – that disappeared overnight miraculously on 30 reviews invariably those with 5 or 4 stars. This also affects the display on the article page: The five most helpful reviews (and therefore that appears in full text on the product page) are now all 1-star reviews. Nevertheless, the Kindle Book still stands currently at number 5 on the charts, and generated significant sales
Whatever the actual case where purely factual statement is unchecked by Amazon against statement. Since it gives the Kindle Store, optimized Authors, publishers and service providers the visibility of their titles, with permitted as illicit means. That has also been long known: 2011 was even in the Kindle Store an account of published (and deleted from Amazon), how much the Kindle Store being manipulated and that was how easy
Purchased reviews and Keyword Stuffing usage.
Last month we reported on the business with reviews, at the Amazon even mitverdient directly. Another practice that is very popular especially in the United States, keyword stuffing, so the placement of as many relevant search keywords in heading and (meta) is the text (see also our article from 2013). One example is the current number of 14 Amazon.com charts
There’s a fine line.’s Amazon in e-reading area, the measure of all things sales, and an appealing presentation ideally has not only advantages for searchability, but also for the reader. But as long as the Amazon algorithm five-line headlines full of key terms (see above) are particularly well rated and fraudulent reviews are commonplace, honest authors and publishers quickly reach their limits – especially if they deal in more depth with the Kindle Store SEO (want ). Amazon is here definitely not as much as Google, the very good-quality in recent years in the assessment content and off of keyword density & amp; Became Co.
& lt; Credit:. Thumb gt of Shutterstock &,
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