Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Vision 3 HD and Shine 2 HD in test: Tolinos Kindle Tracker with high resolution – H

One year after the launch of the Kindle Voyage in the United States took the Tolino Alliance at this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair with the new edition of Tolino Vision and Tolino Shine a double blow to Amazon, and presented the first own e-reader with high-resolution display.


The new Tolino Vision 3 HD differs from its predecessor Vision 2 on paper only by the display, the new Shine 2 HD has compared to the Shine missed getting a slimmer body. The price has risen for both models compared to the previous

 Tolino Vision Shine 2 HD and Vision 3 HD Tolino Vision Shine 2 HD and Vision 3 HD

New resolution and old problems

The high resolution display of E Ink including current Carta technology solves both devices now with 1,072 × 1,448 pixels on what in a pixel density of 300 ppi results and the two readers can enter into direct competition with the current Kindle Voyage and Kindle Paperwhite. In direct comparison to the Kindle family the new Tolino readers have a slightly lighter background, but at the same time is also illuminated somewhat uneven. The brightness is also different between the two devices, the Vision 3 HD offers the visible lighter panel.

Upon request, as bright as Amazon’s Kindle

In terms of luminous paint both brothers could be different not: While the Vision 3 HD drifts slightly bluish, the Shine 2 HD comes up with a rather yellowish display. The panel of the Kindle Paperwhite contrast seems essential neutral

 A higher luminosity can unlock manually A higher brightness can be manually unlock

ghosting problems only partially corrected

The body responsible for development of the readers German Telekom had announced 2 HD for the presentation of the Vision 3 HD and Shine, which is caused by the inversion at the change of short black screen flicker when you switch almost to have eliminated. However, this is only true as long as the inversion is disabled in the default settings. However, this has the consequence that the background of the reader after prolonged reading through residual fragments having no more uniform color. The current E-Ink technology, the ghosting problem therefore can not be entirely avoided, even when compared with older generations of readers, the problems have improved significantly. The best representation of results are still achieved when each leaves an inversion is performed. At the speed at the change this has also in the new Tolino models only minor influence

 text representation on the Tolino Shine 2 HD text display on the Tolino Shine 2 HD  text representation on the Tolino Vision 3 HD text display on the Tolino Vision 3 HD

A to make binding statement on the music speed is difficult because both devices often behave differently. Despite the same technical foundation times scrolls the Vision 3 HD, the Shine 2 times faster HD. The same behavior can also be observed in comparison to the current Kindle Paperwhite.

If encompassing turning causes

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Monday, November 23, 2015

New Kindle Paperwhite discounted by 20 Euro –

Heuer did the price development of eBook readers tend to show up. Virtually all Newcomers were more expensive than their predecessors. The Kindle Paperwhite is no exception. For around 120 Euro Amazon has brought the new model on the market, corresponding to a price premium of around 20 percent.

And yet the holiday shopping season now again provides for that the downward price spiral turns: After in September for a short time a Paperwhite has occurred Action Shops, week, it is now in the course of Cyber ​​Monday, as usual. Kindle Paperwhite 3 is now available for only 99 Euro. Thus the youngest eReader the mail order company by exactly 20 euros is cheaper than is usually the case. The same price reduction is also true for the other variants:. Without discount you pay now 119 euros, for the 3G version 159 euros or 179 euros are due

Note: The pros and cons of the 3G version will be described in detail in this article

For starting price of around 100 Euro offers Amazon the currently best eBook Reader with Retina display. The pixel density of 300 ppi ensures crisp text rendering. The main competitors offer as high-resolution e-ink Carta display technology, but costs regularly at least 20 euros more: For Tolino Shine 2 HD 119 euros are due, the Kobo Glo HD costs 129 euros

<. p> For all those who are interested in buying a new eReader itself looking for a Christmas gift or that special offer is a terrific way to particularly favorable to come to a retina model. The offer is valid until November 30 (23:59 Clock) or while stocks last.

Experience shows that the stock level at Cyber ​​Monday deals may well quickly to Neige go than you think. If you are interested, you should not wait too long with the purchase thus. If in doubt you can use the extended return period that Amazon grants during the Christmas shopping season.

  • Kindle Paperwhite WiFi for 99.99 euros
  • Kindle Paperwhite 3G for 159,99 Euro

The Paperwhite price reduction raises Of course the question on whether or not (again) get involved in a price war that Amazon’s competitors this year.

Already in 2014, Amazon has the predecessor repeatedly cheaper offered and eventually reduced permanently in the price. That was particularly problematic for the Tolino Vision 2, because the price was significantly higher than non-binding, the Paperwhite-special offers. Eventually, the price of the Vision 2 was after a brief high also lowered permanently.

Since the Tolino flagship but was still expensive and on top of that still possessed the slightly lower contrast , the Kindle Paperwhite seemed nevertheless to have often outsells

However Heuer sees the initial situation is very different:. has the Tolino Alliance next to the high-priced Vision 3HD also brought Shine (159 Euro) 2 HD (119 euros) on the market. The Shine-successor is priced in direct competition with the Paperwhite. In contrast to previous years, it also no longer needs to hide the first time before the technology of the Amazon device, because the Tolino Shine 2 HD (and also the Vision 3 HD) offer a truly outstanding readability. The hardware of the Kindle Paperwhite they are thus in nothing after.

This is also the competition potentially exciting (and harder), because while in the previous year appeared to be rather limited price reductions of Vision 2, is likely to be 2 HD for Tolino partner better feasible an interim discount of Shine.

This could be turn the tables again and after a long time to make Amazon again fire under the rear. Already the first Shine sold dazzling thanks to low price and had an enormously rapid growth in market share result. Also for technology savvy reader friends and hobbyists the new models are due Tolino Rooting opportunity particularly attractive.


Bastei Lübbe laid Kindle Storyteller winner – buchreport

 ” Paradox “ is the title of Phillip P. Peterson, the winners of the Amazon ausgelobten Kindle Storyteller Awards for Self Publisher, which was awarded this year for the first time. In addition to 30,000 euros in prize money, the author has therefore both an audiobook publishing at Audible as well as a publishing contract with Bastei Lübbe has been saved.

Paradox felt by many booksellers now also Bastion Luebbe push to want to place the title in the stationary bookselling. Bone of contention especially: the printed indication of the Kindle Storyteller Award, which constitutes a direct link to online competitors. Not only with Facebook where Bastion Luebbe approach is therefore kindled a heated debate among booksellers, including is referred to as “brazen”. The close cooperation of the publisher with Amazon was “unbelievable” and a “blow to the independent bookstores,” says explicitly Ravens book – dealer and Buy Local – Chairman Michael Riethmüller . He’ll give the title no place on the already limited space.

Bastei Lübbe-board Klaus Kluge, in charge of sales and marketing, explains the procedure of publishing: They want to make an author to the public and exploit the potential of Self Publishing division. Selbstverlegende authors sold well in bookshops as Hanni Muenzer (1 title at Piper) and BC Schiller (at Bastei Lübbe). One must follow the customer needs and expand the target group. Regardless of the Kindle price Bastei Lübbe will also cooperate in the future with the author Phillip Peterson.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Kindle for a short time 10 Euro cheaper –

Amazon E-Reader campaign with discount

The Kindle with touch screen provides Amazon in a discount campaign currently starting at around 60 euros. The e-reader deals worth just overlooking Christmas.

Three Kindle models has online retailer Amazon in its range. In a fixed-term action, there are on the cheapest equipment variant of the E-Readers a discount of 10 euros. The Kindle with 6-inch display, touchscreen operation and wireless costs with special offers by currently only 59.99 euros. Without the commercials in the lock screen, the price is with 10 Euro discount at 69.99 euros. The Kindle is available in the colors black and white

By way of comparison. The cheapest e-reader from Kobo and Tolino, Kobo Touch 2.0 and Tolino Shine, are for 89.99 euros or 88 euros to have. The Kindle action Amazon runs to 23 November 2015 – a good opportunity to the e-reader to buy time as a Christmas

 Kindle, 15.2 cm (6 inches) touch screen with no mirror effects, WiFi (black) - with special offers buy>

Now Kindle, 15.2 cm (6 inches) touch screen without …

EUR 59.99

 Kindle Paperwhite, eReader

Ebook reader

Amazon launches Kindle Paperwhite

Under the motto “The most advanced eReader in the world” Amazon has announced its new Kindle Paperwhite models for Germany. You can …

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Amazon Kindle Fire HD in Test


Easy to use, very good display and an integrated shopping mall: The Kindle Fire HD from Amazon is quite …

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Kaufberatung E-Reader

Which e-reader is right?

What is the e-book offers differ and what to consider when buying an e-reader is.

/{width}-c2/Kindle-Voyage.jpg" src = "{width}-c2/Kindle-E-Book-Reader.jpg"itemprop =" contenturl "alt =" Kindle Voyage "class =" delayed-image-load "data-class =" img teaser__image-responsive " Data alt = "Kindle Voyage" />

Amazon e-reader

Kindle Voyage and Kindle (2014) introduced

Amazon sends the Kindle Voyage as a top model on the Kindle Paperwhite into the race. The new e-reader will be even easier to read.


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Kindle-à-Gogo: Amazon opens pop-up kiosks in shopping malls Paris –

Home “e-reader
November 20, 2015 Ansgar Warner 0 Comments

 Kindle pop-up store-in-paris If you already created any clothing store with the Pope in Wuppertal, as it would then be time with a Kindle kiosk with Jeff Bezos in Paris? Exactly’s at the edge of the French capital now actually (only without Jeff Bezos in a personal capacity), because in the middle of two popular shopping malls, the US company has opened pop-up kiosks these days.

The purpose the spontaneous jamboree is clear: At the noble wood-paneled Comptoires in La Défense and Le Chesnay the Kindle model from the base reader should be promoted to Kindle Voyage and Kindle Fire tablet during the sale strong Christmas season, namely, seven days a week. The execution of the mini-project has taken together with the Parisian start-up Coephe Retailbox the Italian agency Target, which has specialized in the “commerce ephemeral” in shopping malls.

If no mayflies so mean two kiosks So definitely not the entry into the stationary store, such as Amazon is testing him straight in Seattle: the end of January to be dismantled, the French pop-up kiosks again – so they are rather part of Amazon’s experimentation, the Us and Others even Kindle automata has given at airports.

But the ephemeral Paris-presence for the Kindle can not hurt probably because on the public market have e-books across the Rhine only a meager share of sales of 3 percent ergattert. This does not mean that the pop-up concept would not be worth even in Germany … perhaps within sight of Thalia or Hugendubel branch? The media coverage would certainly ever guaranteed.

(via The Digital Reader / / sitesdesmarques)

Fig .:


Kindle app for Android gets Bookerly and Speed ​​Reading –

11/18/2015 – John Main eBook News


gets to the shared yesterday, Tuesday Version 4:18 The Kindle app for Android devices two key new features. While doing so, the integration of the new Kindle default font Bookerly had to wait surprisingly long in coming, Amazon enters the speed reading function Word Runner Neuland

Bookerly:. Android App taillight

bookerly option In January 2015 ie almost a year ago, received Bookerly catchment in the Kindle app for Fire tablets. The specially developed font is, according to Amazon ‘optimized for e-reading “, since a firmware update in August all Kindle models are to return to the Kindle Paperwhite 2 (2013) equipped with the font.

Even in May in its integrated Amazon Kindle for iOS app. For now carried out integration with the Android app, which was actually announced for the summer, so it was high time

Speed ​​Reading with handbrake -. For the time being only in English

At the forefront here are Android users on the other hand, in another function, which is also new in Version 4.18 of the Kindle app for Android. It is Word Runner, developed by Amazon Speed ​​Reading with handbrake. Unlike speed reading apps such as spraying the word-for-word text flow can stop and rewind. . The text speed is also flexible, with more complex passages and paragraphs a slowdown takes place

Like many similar functions leading Amazon Word Runner initially only for English-language books a, in case of success follows an internationalization – as happened for example in X -ray. Many German Kindle Readers are therefore noticed by the speed reading function initially nothing. An interesting new option for reading about textbooks is the feature but all are.

  • Kindle app for Android on Google Play
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Related reports:

The article” Kindle app for Android gets Bookerly and Speed ​​Reading “was on 18 November 2015 (Wednesday) at 12:39 clock by John wrote main. John Main ( Xing / Twitter ) is editor and publisher of

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Use Kindle books together –

To share their eBook collection for the whole family

If you have an eBook inside your to use family together, so this is no problem about the “family library”. We will explain in this article how you can set up the handy feature and share with your family.

German Amazon customers can not confer bought Kindle books, in other countries like the US, this is now possible , So it is also in the. These answer the question of the interchangeability between accounts as follows: “The lending of Kindle books are not yet available for Kindle or Kindle Reading Apps on”

However, have family in Germany, possibility to use the “family library”, by the account of an adult is linked to the partner and / or a child. So Kindle books or -Apps on Amazon Devices of time can be divided into further consequence. The adults can choose whether to make its entire content is available or want to limit the selection to specific tracks. Excluded from the exchange magazines, newspapers, music, games and software downloads are the way out of the Amazon stores. One tip in this connection: If you want free access apps worth several thousand euros, then you should sign up for Amazon Underground

But back to topic:. First, you must create a virtual budget, the two adults can belong with their Amazon accounts and a maximum of four children. So log on, select “My content and devices – Settings – Invite a adult” and enter the Amazon account information of the partner in the next step. Now you confirm “Yes, we agree with the joint use …” and click “Next” and then “Finish”. For children, an account is created analogous thereto, which then in turn needs to be added.

If you do not change the default settings, are now all content for which this is permissible divided. If you have customized the option or buy books later, so please inform about “My Content and Devices – My Content” and activate the left of each eBook the corresponding box. Then you just select “Add to Library Family”, and the title is open to all members of the library. © IDG

Updated on 16 November 2015, 09:40 clock


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Still a Kindle? Paperwhite with discount for new customers – iTopnews

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